本所CSR小組播放「怒海控塑」(A Plastic Ocean) 倡議淨化海洋及生態環境
CSR Played A Plastic Ocean to Appeal to Purify Our Oceans and Ecological System by Reducing the Use of Plastic Products
CSR小組利用4月20日午休,邀請事務所同仁一同觀賞由Craig Leeson執導之「怒海控塑」(A Plastic Ocean),帶領事務所同仁瞭解共同居住的地球及海洋所面臨的環境危機。會後由CSR小組同仁傳授如何回收再利用已使用之塑膠袋,期能降低塑膠袋用量,避免自然生態受到更多塑膠廢棄物的戕害。
During the lunch break on 20 April, CSR invited all the colleagues at Baker McKenzie Taipei to watch a documentary directed by Craig Leeson to promote the Firm's awareness of the environmental crisis our mother earth and oceans are facing. After the documentary ended, the CSR team members shared with the participants about how to recycle and to reuse used plastic bags. This will reduce the use of plastic bags and prevent the ecological system from being harmed by more plastic waste.