- 連署#HeForShe大看板:點選登錄Baker & McKenzie #HeForShe Pledge,支持兩性平等、提高女權思想、杜絕婦女暴力等,點選登錄後並回傳系統頁面參加抽獎。
- 「Standing in other's shoes」:從與自己不同的生理性別角色立場出發,分享職涯發展、工作與生活平衡等議題。
- 簽名板:參加者在板上簽名,以示支持。
- HeForShe貼紙:全所同仁獲發HeForShe貼紙佩帶,團結一致推動兩性平權。
- 有獎徵答活動:除考驗知識外,也藉由趣味徵答寓教於樂,讓同仁累積更多知識。
- 男性同仁的心聲:出席活動的男性同仁針對育嬰假的使用障礙、工作與家庭的選擇平衡等分享獨特心聲。
- 匿名的心願分享箱:歡迎同仁寫下並擲入對於辦公室性別平等環境、工作規則之意見或建議,乃至於個人生活與職涯對於性別平等議題所遇所感之分享。
A HeForShe event was held on 27 September in support of the solidarity campaign for the advancement of gender equality initiated by the United Nations (http://www.heforshe.org/en/our-mission). Highlights of the event:
- Baker & McKenzie #HeForShe Pledge: Participants showed their support for gender equality, women's empowerment, and the end of violence against women etc. by joining the online pledge.
- The lucky ones even won a lottery after completing their pledge.
- Standing in other's shoes: Participants discussed gender identities inside and outside of the workplace, work-life balance etc.
- Signature board: Participants signed their names on the board to pledge their support.
- HeForShe stickers: These stickers were given out to all staff members to wear as a gesture of solidarity with the cause of gender equality
- Quiz contest: An engaging and informative event allowing participants to gain further knowledge of the HeForShe movement.
- Male participants shared insights and thoughts on barriers to taking parental leave and the harmonization of work and family life.
- Feedback boxes: Everyone was welcome to drop in the boxes suggestions on the firm's work rules, gender equality issues etc.
Let's make our workplace friendlier for everyone.